Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Chow Wow

The dogs at the guesthouse are so ridiculous. Chow Wow the pomeranian demon rat always has her tongue sticking out and likes to make you think you can pet her. I was petting Ping Pong the yorky and Chow Wow came up wanting some attention. The second I go to pet her back she snarls and tried to bite me with her rat mouth and baby teeth. Bastard.

We had to take a car to Tiger Kingdom at 10am but we also had to eat breakfast. We went across the street to the Same Same guesthouse and I had spanish omelette. It actually tasted pretty authentic and delicious. It was the first time this whole trip I had something non-asian. I wanted thai but everything would take too long so eggs had to suffice. By the time we were done we had just missed our ride. That's when the owner of the guesthouse decided to drive us out to the park. We were really confused at first because he was just leading us to his truck and who knows where he was taking us or who he was selling us to. We were only a few hours from the Laos border... Anyway, he told us how he has a dog farm and breeds pomeranians and retrievers and st. Bernards. I really wanted to go play with all the puppies, but tiger trumps puppy.

So yeahhh you pay to play with either small medium or large tigers. We got the package deal for either lion or tiger cubs and large tiger. We went with tiger cubs because the lion cubs were a little older and a bit more rambuncious. Alyssa was terrified. I felt completely fine... I think I was underestimating them but I don't care nothing happened. I mean, why would they have this place if the tigers were going to attack someone? So I played with Paula and Mikey, two full grown tigers. You have to approach them from the back and pet their backs and tummies. One time I went to pet Mikey and he kind of looked up real fast in my direction and I'm like, I'm dead. But he was just turning over so I could rub his stomach. Jesus I was in heaven. I couldve stayed there all day but of course there's a time limit. And there weren't many people there either so it was very personal and we even stayed in the cage a bit longer.

Then it was time to play with the cubs. They were 3 months old and the size of small dogs. I just kept thinking about Pacha at 3 months and how I could hold him in one hand. Their paws were soooooo cute and the noises they made oh my god. Alyssa tried to bottle feed one but it was a bit too strong for her. We snuggled them and pet them and were sooooo happy. Snuggling the big tiger was a bit more exciting but the babies I just wanted to watch all day. One was playing with a leaf in the wind. It was so cute. The two brothers also started rolling around on each other and rubbing up against each other. I want them to be mine.

So that ended and my life was left with out a purpose. I just wanna pet tigers again. We went to some place for chicken over rice which was delicious of course, had some coconut shakes, then made our way to the train station. We had first class seats this time (not a huge difference). We had a little room with a resident beetle bug living inside. God train toilets are so unbelievably disgusting. Anyway-- we bought magazines and sudoku and cards to pass the time. Last time we got pretty bored. The crew members were so freaking annoying. They would seriously knock once and walk into our room with out any hesitation. And they were so loud and obnoxious when they woke us up at 6am this morning. They just didn't have respect for anyone and I wanted to hurt them. Plus they messed up our dinner order. Geh.

That's all for now -- I'm really upset harry potter comes out the 16TH and has no midnight screenings in stupid Bangkok. This is the dark knight all over again. Ugh whatever-- I played with tigers.
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